Monday, April 28, 2008

{Special moments with Mom}

Mom, these moments remind me of heaven...

Looking at the Path...

it's so far Dad I don't know if I'll make it...

....our goal!

Mom....are you coming too....?

Extreme sports at 6 months...Start early!

don't worry guys, it's safe Mama & Papa know what they're doing......

The Bray Cross.

Friday, April 11, 2008

At the Park

I took Claudia and Lara to the park today and figured I would take some photos of her to post...
Im not half as good a photographer as Angelo so there arent too many from this shoot, Claudia has also learnt to be wary as soon as the camera is pulled out as she knows its hours of sitting while being encouraged to smile and look entertained. So I had to sing energetically as l waved my hands to get her to look at the camera, as she thought the waterfall was more exciting to look at then mommy making a fool of herself!
Ah the things we parents do for that "perfect" picture.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

First time at Resturant!