Friday, May 23, 2008

Every Day is Magical!

I realized something this evening and that is that today will never happen again, nothing that my beautiful baby learns for the first time, can ever be relived. I will never see her stand up on her own the first time, or take those few bites of a new food ever again. These days can never be replaced, and once gone are lost forever. Each day is magical as each day is different, and I am here to watch her grow, and experience something that nobody else will ever experience.
Claudia is my first baby and we are growing and learning together, every day that goes by is one more that I can smile and say, I spent this day with you.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Il Leopardo....

Alex, ciao sono io il Leopardo, grrrrrh!

The only leopard of this kind ever found seems like they've gone extinct..

Monday, May 19, 2008

First time away

Just a quick post to let everyone know of my latest adventure with out my princess.
Angelo took the baby for the weekend so l could pop over to England and spend some time with my friends there. It was tough the first night as l went to bed dreaming about her waking up and missing me or getting sick etc. But apparently she was a little Angel, she behaves much better with her Daddy then me, and they had a great weekend without her worry wart of a Mother!
I kept on remembering things like her teething biscuits that l had put away or the mousetrap hidden under the bed, that I was sure she would get into, ha! But thanks to Angelo l had a great weekend, I got to dance all night without worrying about the baby waking from the noise, and went to my first car-boot! No sleep-in I'm afraid, but hey those things are simply distant memories in the past, I had to get up at 7:00 for the car-boot and went crazy searching for those gems hidden in peoples junk... And yes Rachel Im totally hooked and got loads of goodies...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Some of My Latest Adventures with Dad...

See guys, she does have my smile :-p "he wishes"

Watching my first Hurling match, and I'm not impressed, these guys play like adults.

...He's never going to score from there..

uh oh..caught! OK I was just having a snack after the game guys..

Are you sure it wont eat me?? Man it's it soo tall.

Happily daydreaming....."what a fun day!"

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ok Back to the Most beautiful Baby....

Isn't she just adorable.

Ok, one more of Claudias Beautiful Mother then we'll leave Claudias blog for her...

Everyone please tell her how Beautiful she is, even when she was PG.
Your SO Sexy!!!

a few more of us....

More pic's, From that Great Vacation!!

Here is, with my brother in law and my sister,
Thanks guys!

Guy's if you go to Venice you have to go on the gondola!!
....or you'll miss the whole was Magical!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Remember what used to be?

I thought l might post a pre Claudia picture, of when she was just a rolling kicking baby inside of me! This is from exactly one year ago, last May, when Angelo and I, went on vacation in Italy. It was a beautiful spring and was the most wonderful time l spent with Angelos family full of lazy afternoon walks, sightseeing, relaxing in a gondola in Venice and eating Pizza in Restaurants!
We were able to see Angelo's adorable little brother win the local football championship with his team, Go Andy! See the cutest nieces and nephews, and even got to push a car with a dead battery! Thanks to Angelo's sister Christina and her husband Terry we got to go to many different places together, and endured broken clutches and flat batteries in the bargain! But l had loads of fun, and will always remember that year as one of the best vacations in my life, even if l did have pregnancy hormones... I had loads of pictures from that trip, but Angelo is away for awhile so l only have this one for now, enjoy!

The view from San Marino five months pregnant

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Update on Claudias growth, 7.5 months

After reading other peoples blogs l realize that besides the pictures, its fun to read about how their kids are growing up! Of course this could have somthing to do with the fact that l am a mother... But for all you mothers out there, this is an update on my little princess!
I am convinced that virgo babies have got to be the smartest around, (even though they can grow up to be very annoying like Claudias dear father...) After only one time on her potty, Claudia got the point right away,and now uses it every couple hours without fail, and almost immediately each time she sits down she does something in it, which she is then very proud of and claps her hands, ha! Oh yes she is clapping her hands now and thinks its great fun, her favorite song is the incy wincy spider, and she tries to mimic the motions and "sings" along. She sleeps most nights from 9:30 to 6:00, and sometimes if feeling extra lazy will go back to sleep in Mommys bed til 8:00, thank God for small favors! She makes the most adorable faces, when she knows shes being naughty she squishes up her nose, purses her lips and gets wrinkles all over her forehead and eyes, my sister calls it the Klingon face, (Star trek fans will know what l mean) and even though l think shes gorgeous she does slightly resemble a Klingon!
One thing l am very happy about is that she eats everything and anything you set before her, for lunch yesterday l blended liver with an avocado, and mixed in cod-liver oil, yuck! But she ate it like it were icecream, and even wanted more afterward ha! So her diet includes such nasty things as beetroots, fish and liver. Unfortunately now that the weather is warmer it also includes grass and little insects...
She is crawling now so when the weather is nice I lay out in the sun with her and she tries to catch the dogs tail as l try to catch some sleep, lm lucky we have a big garden as she loves to eat grass and follow the dog around.
All in all l couldnt have asked for a better baby (or cuter for that matter) she looks like a perfect mixture of me and Angelo, with my blond hair and his curls, I cant wait to see how she grows up!